CFIA Submission
The following documents have been submitted to CFIA or are included for your imformation and compiled into a single PDF for ease of reading or printing: CFIA Submission Documents
1. Letter signed on behalf of the Alberta Beekeers Commision, Manitoba Beekeepers Association and the CBF
2. USDA queen export certificate
3. Import requirements for Canada
4. Letter from Elina L. Niño, Ph.D., Associate Specialist in CE – Apiculture, Department of Entomology and Nematology, University of California, Davis outlining conditions in California
5. Letter from David R. Tarpy Professor and Extension Apiculturist, North Carolina State University
6. Letter from Dr. Jeff Pettis President of Apimondia
7. Letter from Randy Oliver of Scientific Beekeeping
8. Letter from ABF, AHPA, California State Beekeepers
9. Export certificate sample from the state of Georgia
10. Various package supplier export and testing results